Sponge cake with 3 ingredients, super pastry cake

These sponge cakes are extremely soft and full of flavor. Very simple, but classic and delicious cake.

I think I’m addicted to making this cake, without cracks. To obtain a smooth surface, the most important is the cooking temperature, I intend to make the temperature must be very low. I also use the water bath, which helps the cake to cook gently, almost like cooking.

In addition, beating the egg white correctly is the key, I like to beat it until it reaches the strongest peak and gently fold it into the dough. Do not beat over the egg white and you need to bend it as smoothly as possible to avoid breaking any air bubbles. It may seem complicated, but after trying it, you’ll love this delicious cake!

Read more: Sponge cake with 3 ingredients, super pastry cake

The ingredients are:

5 eggs
1 cup (tea) sugar
2 cups (tea) cornstarch